Fixing the CPL for dashcam the right way

Simply fitting the CPL without any adjustments will not remove glare

Primary use of CPL (Circular Polarizer Lens) for dashcam is to remove the glare created by light hitting the dashboard and reflecting it in the windshield.

Product link (Amazon): CPL Filter for 70mai A810

Chandraprakash G | 2024-Jan-06

Problem with basic installation steps in product manual

Though the installation steps were straight forward, when we try to see the glare in the display of the dashcam we can’t compare it accurately as well as there is a couple of seconds of delay of the feed.

So better way after testing the CPL by rotating to different positions, also try to click a picture at every cardinal direction which you can compare later in a bigger screen like pc monitor to check to compare the glare in detail.

Also make sure to check for glare during morning outside or with brightly lit area to see the glare clearly.

Rotating the CPL to find the perfect position with no glare

Primary use of CPL (Circular Polarizer Lens) for dashcam is to remove the glare created by light hitting the dashboard and reflecting it in the windshield.

Buy turning the CPL filter to different directions from North, South, West to East, I had found that East seems to remove most of the glare.

Just was curious enough to also test the NE & SE positions of the Lens by rotating it

Just as expected SE position seems to had eliminated 90% of the glare and the picture was much clear and I could able to see the areas closer to bonnet which was not visible earlier.

Also the dark circular region near the corners were visible when the CPL was loose, so once fixed it tightly the corner dark regions vanished too.

So while analyzing the Initial vs Final output after properly rotating the CPL to proper position, we could see significant different between the images.

Especially the regions near the bonnet which was not even visible in the left can be seen clearly in the right image,
Only small negative being light getting diffused slightly in the night time, but considering the positive this is a not a huge deal.